If you're planning a new website there are a number of fundamentals you should cover to make the most of your online presence. Here we discuss four important basics of effective web design. make sure you've got them covered.

Creating a web site rich in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) could be considered the most important aspect of an effective web page. Articles placed on web sites should be at least 200 words in length and contain specific, effective keywords. While a generic keyword grouping like "Ladies shoes" may draw viewers to a site, using specific keywords like "Ladies dress pumps" will attract more people within the target viewer audience.
Main keywords should be in the title of the article. Keywords should also be placed in the beginning, the end, and strategically throughout the paragraphs. When creating a website with HTML coding, meta tags should contain key word to ensure a higher listing in a search engine.
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Whether a user is looking for information, entertainment, or a product, a good, effective website will provide the user with that which he or she is seeking. Content should be organized into clear and concise segments that are easily navigated and understood by the reader. Ideally, content should be updated on a regular basis to ensure repeat visitor traffic.
The use of effective SEO might bring initial traffic to a website, but repeat visits and word of mouth recommendations will not occur if the site is not user friendly. The view should be able to easily find and access the desired information or products. If additional information about a product is needed, such as information about shipping costs, warranties, return policies, or terms of contract, that information should be easy to find and understandable.
Ideally, an effective, well made web page will include a site map that allows the visitor quick access to all parts of the site in order to quickly and easily navigate through unneeded information. A "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) section is a must for sites offering goods or services in order to save the visitor from spending extra time sending emails with questions.
For those who have questions not answered in the FAQ, a simple page containing a questionnaire form with fields for questions and comments is an added bonus to the visitor. Lastly, a "Contact Us" section brings a human touch to a web site, ensuring the visitor that someone behind the scenes can be reached via email or phone.
The use of bold graphics, video, and sound adds a personal and lasting impact to an effective, well designed web site. Company branding is important. Graphics, logos, and music unique to a web page or a company is an excellent way to ensure brand loyalty and repeat visitors. A clean, simple page with coding that is perfect with no broken links or features that don't work is ideal.
If you're considering redesign your existing website, or have a new business that requires affordable web design, talk to Snap.com.au. They'll work with you to create a website that will represent your business online.

Four Basics of Effective Web Design
Make it SEO Friendly
Creating a web site rich in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) could be considered the most important aspect of an effective web page. Articles placed on web sites should be at least 200 words in length and contain specific, effective keywords. While a generic keyword grouping like "Ladies shoes" may draw viewers to a site, using specific keywords like "Ladies dress pumps" will attract more people within the target viewer audience.
Main keywords should be in the title of the article. Keywords should also be placed in the beginning, the end, and strategically throughout the paragraphs. When creating a website with HTML coding, meta tags should contain key word to ensure a higher listing in a search engine.
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Make it Informative
Whether a user is looking for information, entertainment, or a product, a good, effective website will provide the user with that which he or she is seeking. Content should be organized into clear and concise segments that are easily navigated and understood by the reader. Ideally, content should be updated on a regular basis to ensure repeat visitor traffic.
Make it User Friendly
The use of effective SEO might bring initial traffic to a website, but repeat visits and word of mouth recommendations will not occur if the site is not user friendly. The view should be able to easily find and access the desired information or products. If additional information about a product is needed, such as information about shipping costs, warranties, return policies, or terms of contract, that information should be easy to find and understandable.
Ideally, an effective, well made web page will include a site map that allows the visitor quick access to all parts of the site in order to quickly and easily navigate through unneeded information. A "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) section is a must for sites offering goods or services in order to save the visitor from spending extra time sending emails with questions.
For those who have questions not answered in the FAQ, a simple page containing a questionnaire form with fields for questions and comments is an added bonus to the visitor. Lastly, a "Contact Us" section brings a human touch to a web site, ensuring the visitor that someone behind the scenes can be reached via email or phone.
Make it Effective
The use of bold graphics, video, and sound adds a personal and lasting impact to an effective, well designed web site. Company branding is important. Graphics, logos, and music unique to a web page or a company is an excellent way to ensure brand loyalty and repeat visitors. A clean, simple page with coding that is perfect with no broken links or features that don't work is ideal.
If you're considering redesign your existing website, or have a new business that requires affordable web design, talk to Snap.com.au. They'll work with you to create a website that will represent your business online.