Twitter can sometimes seem like a huge waste of time. Especially when people start tweeting about the most trivial of daily routines, one would sometimes wish for just a little more quality control. And yet, the rising social media service isn't just about celebrities and companies preaching banalities to the converted. In many ways, Twitter works like a powerful contemporary search engine, which can help you with a variety of questions and problems.

What Kind of Problems?

Well, over the past few years, a lot of people have got into difficulty financially for a variety of reasons: The global economic down turn has caused huge levels of unemployment, a massive-scale withdrawal of credit and a staggering rise in the cost of living. As a consequence, people who would ordinarily repay their debts promptly have been unable to do so. This is an incredibly stressful situation for those who have found themselves at the whim of the banks should they need more money to get by. In many cases, UK citizens have even found themselves unable to get a bank account, making it even harder to stage a comeback into their former life. Should you be among those affected by these painful developments, you may be surprised to learn that Twitter can form an important part of a strategy to finally get out of debt and into the black again.

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HOW TO : Use Twitter to Get Out of Debt

1. Using Twitter as a Financial News Channel

The first thing you need to realise is that Twitter is about a lot more than the people's private lives. It is also an up to date news aggregator on a variety of topics, including financial ones like basic bank accounts, debts or credit cards. To be able to tap into this stream of information, you first need to get yourself a Twitter account, which you can use just to subscribe to the tweets of some of the leading news websites in this field.

The BBC, for example, have an exemplary news service, and there are also smaller, but more specialised services provided by outfits such as EIN banking, which provide you with a wealth of information which you can put to your advantage. After you've selected your favourites and delineated your area of interest, you can then create your own customised newspaper by aggregating the topics on a site like

2. Using Twitter as a Research Tool

The search function of Twitter can also be used to collect valuable links on anything from basic- or guaranteed bank accounts to reducing credit card debts. Just type keywords relating to your interests into the search field and you'll be handed a plethora of articles, essays and news items. Some of them may be entirely beside the point, but others may contain the very solution to your problems.

Since Twitter is an incredibly fast-moving platform, relevant news may quickly slip out of sight. Which means that you should perform this routine daily, just like you would go through your emails each morning. This way, you're sure to not miss out on all of the trending articles, hints and suggestions.

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3. Using Twitter as a Social Interaction Platform

So far, so good. You've began collecting pertinent information, you're subscribed to the leading sources and are on your way towards becoming an expert in your field. If that'd be all, you could argue, however, Twitter would be little more than an effective news resource. Luckily for you, there's more: By making sure you're using keywords which are as pertinent to your own needs as possible, you won't just find relevant data, but relevant private individuals as well. This is a great advantage and a unique benefit of Twitter, since it allows you to discover and interact with people in a similar predicament by following their tweets and exchanging thoughts. You can compile your closest allies in groups and start using these groups to discuss trending topics and to arrive at new ideas on how to improve your situation.

4. Using Twitter to Control Your Finances

After you've created a network for yourself, you can now eliminate a significant obstacle facing all unemployed, financially distressed and bankrupt today: Getting a bank account. Banks, more than ever, have a tendency to close down bank accounts that haven’t been used in accordance with their policies. If you have gone overdrawn on a number of occasions and cannot repay the fees for doing so, then you are likely to have your bank account closed. Banks will not let you open a standard account if you have shown that you haven’t managed your money well in the past. And so, you enter deeper and deeper into the downward spiral.

You can now use Twitter to inform yourself about how to get a bank account after all and how to use it to keep your debt down. This will not be the kind of standard current account you may have become accustomed to, but a so-called guaranteed bank account which will at least allow you to have your wages paid into it and to allow you to make withdrawals but also to help you get out of debt, since it helps you manage your money more effectively and will not give you credit so you cannot accrue further debts.

Put together a list of companies offering guaranteed bank accounts by checking with your Twitter contacts. This will provide you with an overview of potential service providers. Then, use the search function of Twitter to find out about how satisfied users are with their service. This way, you should soon be able to arrive at a good estimate about which company to turn to.

It is the combination of a vibrant community and an always up to date search engine which awards Twitter its unique and powerful ability to help you with getting out of debt. So if you're one of those who thought Twitter was just a waste of time, think again – by tapping into its potential, you may soon find yourself with a brand new bank account and making a fresh start.