Do you know the ten steps to Internet safety? If you work or spend leisure time online, you should be taking steps to protect your personal data from hackers. Tips like encrypting your sensitive data, being careful about what you share with friends and contacts, and using strong and creative passwords can go a long way in keeping your personal information and your identity secure online.

Strong passwords include a number of factors, such as using at least one special character (if permitted) and at least one number. Avoid common words in passwords and anything that can be found in a dictionary, and refrain from creating passwords based on easily guessed items, such as your spouse’s name, the name of your favorite pet or your children’s names.

If you realize your data has been breached, immediately change your passwords, starting with those connected with your finances. Contact any companies which could be affected and close any accounts you think may have been breached. Finally, communicate the issue – with the government, with the DMV if applicable and the Social Security Administration. Find out more about online security and how to keep yourself secure online  – check out the infographic below!

This infographic was developed by Veracode, providers of the world's leading Application Risk Management Platform. Find out more about Veracode's ethical hacking tutorial on

Tips to Prevent Identity Theft and How to Stay Safe Online

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