WordPress is among one of the most popular content management system used by a lot of developers, designers and even by those business persons who do not know how to code and design. It’s very popular for bloggers and a person who has the basic knowledge of website can easily create a website and blog of their own.

Surely many of you have been using this exciting CMS for use but have you ever wondered when was this all started. WordPress was released on May 27, 2003 and this year 2016 marks the 13th birthday of WordPress. So to celebrate the 13th birthday of WordPress on this special occasion the team at Web Track Studio have created an informative infographic on 9 Valuable WordPress SEO plugin that every business owner should use.

Whether you have your website built in WordPress or your blog is on WordPress you can gain maximum benefit with the use of useful SEO plugin and improve your website or blog performance in search engines. Do you know WordPress has over 40,501 Plugins available?

This enticing infographic by Web Track Studio covers the important SEO plugin that you should consider using making sure that they are compatible with your WordPress version. The Yoast plugin for WordPress SEO is one of the most popular plugin. It has been downloaded more than 1+Million times. Isn’t it a big number? Not only these there, are a lot more useful WordPress SEO plugin that can work greatly for your website or blog in whatever niches it is.

So let’s have a look at the infographic below and if you found it useful then we request you to please share it on social media channels, so that others can also take the maximum benefit out of it.

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