Here’s the side to blogging that everyone shies away from – the hellishly long hours, disappearing investments and loads of time away from family and friends. However, if you are clever about it, you can automate your blog and sit back while the monies find their way into your pocket. How exactly do you do that?
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Inside the Brain of a Blogger (Infographic)
How to Manage Your Time on Your Blog
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5 Quick Ways To Get Blogging Ideas Daily

As a blogger, you will need to maintain your website, check for broken links, update SEO and perform other tasks regularly. If you otherwise have a grueling, tedious daily, you’ll find that your maintenance tasks get in your way. It makes sense, therefore, to identify all non-primary jobs and outsource them. You will be saving a lot of time, free yourself of the hassle factor and be assured of professional services.
Unless you’re a do-it-all-by-yourself blogger, you’ll have at least a skeleton staff working for you. Implement procedures that make your staff accountable for daily tasks. You can track their work using time-tracking and collaborative online project management software. Delegate specific responsibilities to reduce your blog’s dependency on you.
A great deal of your blogging time is taken away by the need to fill in comment fields, post updates on social media, schedule appointments and extract data. A simple lookup on the internet will provide you with time-saving tools that can automate the annoying tasks that you are performing personally right now. Alternatively, check with a consultant in your field to know how to automate and streamline your specific work processes.
You need not just experienced staff, but trained staff to take over the reins when required. The training must be in specific areas, such as leadership skills, people management, crisis management, customer handling and so on. Whether your business runs off a single blog, multiple blogs or affiliate sites, having trained staff who’ll take over for you is a must.
Setting aside a clear budget for the year will help you streamline your expenses. Use a good finance planning and accounting tool. Create your budget heads, structures, categories and so on. Set upper limits on each expense and also specify dates for specific expenditures. The tool should take care of reminding you when a payment is due, or when you’re exceeding budget.
Use power social media tools to automate and ease up your social media tasks. is one such tool; it allows you to post on multiple social media accounts with the same message or status update. SocialOomph allows you schedule targeted messages both on Facebook Fan Pages and Twitter pages. Allow this tool to automatically handle your announcements and promotions.
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Blogging Tools Every Blogger Should Have
8 Tips to Engage Your Readership in Your Blog
How To Keep Website Content Fresh Easily
5 Ways to Make Money Blogging
Use the editorial calendar to write your posts in advance. Set reminders to yourself so that you get the content writing task done. Write several articles in advance, way more than you need for this week’s or next week’s posting. Keep them ready for the posting schedule and reduce your blog’s dependency on you.
If you write your posts in advance based on your calendar and use a post scheduler, you can automate post uploads. This is easy if you are a WordPress user. However, if you don’t use WordPress, look up a good automated scheduler or check with your blog design consultant for a tool that’ll take care of the posting for you.
Event and promotion announcements always take up time across multiple social media accounts. Use Hootsuite and this task is minimized for you; now you can easily schedule messages to Twitter, Facebook and other social media accounts. Synchronize your messages scheduling to happen when your blog posts are uploaded, and that’s two birds with one stone.
Open your doors to guest posters; your blog will depend less on your efforts to keep itself up. Alternatively, you can also allow some of your top subscribers to submit their experiences in the form of posts as well. Get these in advance, do some editing and schedule automatic posting.
This article has been written by Dean of, an ecommerce conversion rate optimization company that helps businesses in optimizing their landing pages and improving the performance of their online campaigns.
Also Check :
Inside the Brain of a Blogger (Infographic)
How to Manage Your Time on Your Blog
How To Promote Your Blog Effectively
5 Quick Ways To Get Blogging Ideas Daily

11 Ways To Reduce Your Blog’s Dependency On You
1. Outsource Non-Primary Focus Jobs
As a blogger, you will need to maintain your website, check for broken links, update SEO and perform other tasks regularly. If you otherwise have a grueling, tedious daily, you’ll find that your maintenance tasks get in your way. It makes sense, therefore, to identify all non-primary jobs and outsource them. You will be saving a lot of time, free yourself of the hassle factor and be assured of professional services.
2. Delegate Tasks And Make People Accountable
Unless you’re a do-it-all-by-yourself blogger, you’ll have at least a skeleton staff working for you. Implement procedures that make your staff accountable for daily tasks. You can track their work using time-tracking and collaborative online project management software. Delegate specific responsibilities to reduce your blog’s dependency on you.
3. Automate Tasks
A great deal of your blogging time is taken away by the need to fill in comment fields, post updates on social media, schedule appointments and extract data. A simple lookup on the internet will provide you with time-saving tools that can automate the annoying tasks that you are performing personally right now. Alternatively, check with a consultant in your field to know how to automate and streamline your specific work processes.
4. Train Your Staff
You need not just experienced staff, but trained staff to take over the reins when required. The training must be in specific areas, such as leadership skills, people management, crisis management, customer handling and so on. Whether your business runs off a single blog, multiple blogs or affiliate sites, having trained staff who’ll take over for you is a must.
5. Plan Your Budget
Setting aside a clear budget for the year will help you streamline your expenses. Use a good finance planning and accounting tool. Create your budget heads, structures, categories and so on. Set upper limits on each expense and also specify dates for specific expenditures. The tool should take care of reminding you when a payment is due, or when you’re exceeding budget.
6. Be A Social Media Power User
Use power social media tools to automate and ease up your social media tasks. is one such tool; it allows you to post on multiple social media accounts with the same message or status update. SocialOomph allows you schedule targeted messages both on Facebook Fan Pages and Twitter pages. Allow this tool to automatically handle your announcements and promotions.
Also Check :
Blogging Tools Every Blogger Should Have
8 Tips to Engage Your Readership in Your Blog
How To Keep Website Content Fresh Easily
5 Ways to Make Money Blogging
7. Maintain an Editorial Calendar
An editorial calendar helps you to organize your thoughts and blog post ideas. You can specify blog titles, along with the days on which you want to post. Having an editorial calendar for the quarter helps you blog with ease, without having to spend every spare minute at your desk.8. Write Your Posts In Advance
Use the editorial calendar to write your posts in advance. Set reminders to yourself so that you get the content writing task done. Write several articles in advance, way more than you need for this week’s or next week’s posting. Keep them ready for the posting schedule and reduce your blog’s dependency on you.
9. Custom Schedule Your Posts
If you write your posts in advance based on your calendar and use a post scheduler, you can automate post uploads. This is easy if you are a WordPress user. However, if you don’t use WordPress, look up a good automated scheduler or check with your blog design consultant for a tool that’ll take care of the posting for you.
10. Use HootSuite
Event and promotion announcements always take up time across multiple social media accounts. Use Hootsuite and this task is minimized for you; now you can easily schedule messages to Twitter, Facebook and other social media accounts. Synchronize your messages scheduling to happen when your blog posts are uploaded, and that’s two birds with one stone.
11. Encourage Guest Posting
Open your doors to guest posters; your blog will depend less on your efforts to keep itself up. Alternatively, you can also allow some of your top subscribers to submit their experiences in the form of posts as well. Get these in advance, do some editing and schedule automatic posting.
This article has been written by Dean of, an ecommerce conversion rate optimization company that helps businesses in optimizing their landing pages and improving the performance of their online campaigns.