With the upcoming election and buzz about Occupy, there's plenty of political discussion going on. While many people are eager to avoid the topic, some die-hard election hounds and politics junkies think, "What is political science, if not the only reason for living?" If you're the kind of die-hard political junkie that can't live without the latest political updates, here are best iPhone politics apps you can't do without:
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Top 10 iPhone Apps to Feed Your Obsession with Politics

1. NPR News
Provides news from NPR, sorted by newscasts, top stories or searchable content. You can also listen to NPR audio content or even connect directly to >NPR live stream.
2. Politico
A free app, Politico provides a simple interface for streaming political news straight from the White House. You can also share any news you get through your social networking accounts.
3. Civic Tweets
An iPhone-based Twitter application that follows the tweets of politicians. Unlike other Twitter apps, this one focuses directly on the updates themselves, allowing you instant access to information without the clutter of social networks.
4. White House
This app streams information from the White House's own press department, powered by its website and blog. In addition to text and photos, you can also stream videos of interviews and debriefings.
5. ukPolitics
Whether you're in the UK or an American with curiosity for politics across the pond, ukPolitics provides news and political coverage for the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democratic Parties. You can also follow Twitter feeds of UK politicians and major news sources.
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6. Politics
The Essential Collection: Not as much an interactive app as a searchable collection of documents, Politics - The Essential Collection includes many of the most important political documents of history. If you find yourself needing to site The Art of War or reference The Federalist Papers in a debate, you can have these documents with you anywhere you go.
7. Elections
A must-have for any true elections junkie, this app follows not only major presidential elections but also governor races and other local elections. The app provides information about the candidates and access to poll results, as well as access to interviews, debates and news.
8. Congress:
Keep track of all the members of Congress with this handy app. You can keep track of their location, length of term, legislative staff, contact information, even Twitter account. If the basic app doesn't offer enough information, you can download Congress+ for a few dollars more.
9. ASAP Politics
A quick way to get up-to-date news on political topics from trusted sources like the New York Times or Reuters. You can share headlines on Twitter, as well.
10. The Page
This new mobile app from TIME magazine allows you to access real-time political analysis from political analyst Mark Halperin. You can read articles online or download them to read offline, watch videos, view photos and stream live events.
No matter what kind of political geek you are, there's an app that can help you stay on top of current events. Find information on political science education at www.PoliticalScienceCareer.com